What is trauma-informed therapy and how does it help?

Trauma-informed therapy provides healing from our traumatic experiences which may be causing intrusive distress, flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, irritation, or anger. We can heal from our pain and shame which we have been distancing from. We may go to great lengths to try to numb the pain. Trauma-informed therapy supports us in reclaiming our power and letting go of the past.  

Trauma-informed therapy helps us discern the safety in our present situations, as triggers can leave us physiologically distressed. Triggers can cause us to feel enraged, ashamed, furious, terrified, or frozen and look for someone to blame in the present. Post-traumatic stress is overwhelming and leaves us feeling disempowered. We may not understand or be able to control what is going on with our mind and body. Trauma-informed therapy supports us in gaining awareness of our symptoms so we can step into healing. 

Trauma-informed therapy supports us in creating safety and learning to show up for ourselves as we start to reclaim our power. At Jennifer Michaud & Associates INC. we are aware that our trauma coping patterns did not emerge overnight. We help you assess which patterns are serving and sabotaging you. We encourage you as you begin to create boundaries for your healing journey. We provide a safe space and support you as you grieve everything the trauma has robbed from you. 


What does the therapy process look like? 

Some of us may be entering trauma therapy for the first time. Judith Herman’s marathon metaphor is a helpful image to understand the complexities and perseverance of trauma recovery. Once we have decided it do the run, it is important to remember that this work will take time. 

For example, we may be ready to plunge into the crimes that are haunting us; however, in the first phase of marathon training we start small. Once the training is underway, we must prepare and practice to endure the run. Both our physiological and psychological strength, and perseverance is put to the test in trauma healing. Healing like training feels isolating, requires determination and is a courageous act. 

To grieve the past is to reclaim our power. We are not responsible for the injuries that were perpetrated, we are responsible for our recovery and healing. Accepting that we must prepare for the marathon of healing is beginning to take our power back. 

We step into our power by taking full responsibility of our healing. Finding a trauma informed therapist who is a good fit for us, is profound. There is no set time or path for our grieving; we all grieve differently. We will know that we are healing when telling the trauma story does not dysregulate us anymore.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) 

EMDR is a therapy which helps us integrate our traumas so we can let go of the past. It is a procedure used by trained and certified therapists that helps you reduce impact or intrusion of past experiences into present day life. 

EMDR is a staged intervention that begins with assessing your history and creating a specialized treatment plan. We prepare you before we go into the assessment phase and desensitization through eye movements. The eye movements are done for bilateral stimulation to help us integrate the trauma experiences.  - Jessie Dhaliwal, Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) & EMDR Specialist


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